Amnesty; ikke glem at dere kjemper for menneskers rett til voldsfrie liv!

Kvinnefrontens oppfordring til Amnesty International, i forkant av deres møte om legalisering av prostitusjon i august. Vi håper virkelig Amnesty tar til fornuft!


The Women’s Front of Norway strongly objects to Amnesty International‘s proposal to decriminalize all aspects of prostitution. Prostitution is not “work.” It is violence against women and girls and a human rights violation. Given the fact that prostitution is not a choice for the majority of women in prostitution, this proposal supports a system of gender inequality and discrimination where women and girls are sexually exploited worldwide. Legalization of prostitution will only lead to an expansion of the sex trade and consequently increase the number of victims of sexual exploitation. The idea that legalization would result in better conditions for prostituted women has been proven wrong in both Germany and the Netherlands. The Women’s Front of Norway instead advocates for the Nordic Model which has been very successful. The Nordic Model legislation decriminalizes women in prostitution and criminalizes the sex buyer. With the Nordic Model, not only have the number of women in prostitution drastically decreased, it has also had an effect on public opinion and has changed attitudes towards prostitution. Instead of talking about harm reduction we should focus on the demand for prostitution.  Without demand, there is no supply. 


The Mini Bottle Gallery


Mennesker i prostitusjon er ingen seksuell minoritet