Seminar: Sexual Violence in War and Conflict

Kvinnefronten og Røde Kors arrangerer seminar som del av Lady Fest i Oslo,

7.mars kl.1630 på Kulturhuset, ved Youngstorget 

Seminaret vil foregå på engelsk.

Gender-based violence is tragically prevalent in armed conflicts and used as a war tactic to terrorize, discourage and humiliate people. During this seminar we will talk about sexual violence as a war crime, the feministic perspective on it and its background, the effects on the victims and communities and what has been done and what more is there to do to prevent this violence.

The seminar will be moderated by Tina Skotnes, psychiatric nurse, and feminist activist from Kvinnefronten.


Joanna Nicholson (lawyer and currently guest researcher at Pluricourts)

Alessandra Nervi Christensen (Senior Advisor International Department Red Cross Norway)

Bjørg Kristine Michalak (co-founder of Landsforeningen for PTSD in Norway and worked at Antirasistisk Senter)

Diana Carolina Montoya Vanegas (psychologist and project coordinator for Health and Human Rights Info)

Gratis inngang!


Takk for alle oppmøtte, det ble et vellykka seminar!


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