Spennende utvikling i Spania!

Vi heier på Spania! 👏🏽👏🏽

Kvinnefronten sender vår støtte til våre samarbeidspartnere i Coalition Against Trafficking in Women, SPACE International, European Women’s Lobby og den spanske kvinnebevegelsen som har kjempet for en sexkjøpslov i Spania! Les og se deres fellesuttalelse om loven som nå diskuteres i kongressen under.

💥 Det ligger et kjempegodt forslag på bordet, lykke til!

💥 Sexkjøperne skal straffes - IKKE de prostituerte!

We, International Feminist and Survivors' Organizations, support the Spanish « Proposition of Organic Law amending Law 10/1995 of November 23, 1995, to prohibit pimping in all its forms» in Spain.

The Bill to be discussed from this Wednesday in the Justice Commission of the Congreso de Diputados is an opportunity for Spain to achieve a historic step towards equality between men and women and against the sexual exploitation of women and girls, in Spain and around the world.

If approved, this Bill would allow Spain to implement an ambitious abolitionist policy, placing itself at the forefront of the fight against the world's oldest oppression. This Bill is based on four main pillars:

- The criminalization of all forms of pimping (Art 187), including the "Tercera locativa", aka brothel owning (Art. 187 bis). This would put an end to the brothels of La Jonquera, among others:

Art. 187 : A prison sentence of one to three years and a fine of 12 to 24 months shall be imposed on anyone who, for profit, promotes, favors or facilitates the prostitution of another person, even with the consent of the person.
Art. 187 bis: Whoever, for profit and in a habitual manner, uses property, premises or establishment, open or not to the public, or any other space, to promote, encourage or facilitate the prostitution of another person, even with her consent, shall be punished with a prison sentence of two to four years and a fine of eighteen to twenty-four months, without prejudice to the closure provided for in Article 194 of this Code.

- Criminalization of the purchase of sexual acts (Art.187 ter): The fact of obtaining acts of a sexual nature in exchange for money or any other type of economic benefit is punishable by a fine of (calculated for a period of) 12 to 24 months.

If the person in prostitution is a minor or is in a situation of vulnerability, the buyer of the act of a sexual nature shall be subject to a prison sentence of one to three years and a fine of (calculated for a period of) 24 to 48 months

- Decriminalization of persons in prostitution (Art.187 ter): In no case shall a person in a situation of prostitution be punished.

- Recognition of the status of victim (First Final Provision) to persons in a situation of prostitution who are in the situations defined in the above-mentioned Articles 187.2 and 187 bis.

This recognition of victim status gives access to an ambitious set of rights, including the provisions of the Victims' Statute Law of 2015 and the Sexual Freedom Law passed in 2022.

This package of rights includes, among others: economic assistance (access to the Active Insertion Income), emergency medical assistance, psychological assistance, priority access to housing, right to information, professional reintegration programs, police protection, legal information and support, right to reparation and compensation and access to the victims' reparation fund.

The rights under the Victims' Status Law and the Sexual Freedom Law shall also apply to undocumented foreign victims.

Prostitution is a system based on intersectional patterns of sexist, racist and class oppression. It exists only because men feel they can use their dominant position to exploit and leverage these patterns of oppression to gain access to and control over women's bodies.

In the coming days, Spain can say "Enough!" to this historical injustice, joining States such as France, Sweden, Ireland, Northern Ireland, Norway, Iceland, Israel and Canada, which have also adopted an Abolitionist policy.

Now it's Spain's turn to say #AboliciónProstituciónYa!


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Statsbudsjetthøring: Finansiering av kvinnebevegelsen, kontantstøtte og barnehage